

Scary movies, well, scare me. So I don't like to watch them. But I may make an expception for Nightmare On Elm Street. After Jaws, this was the next movie that truly frightened me. Oh, and The Exorcist. Which my mother let me watch when I was 10 or so. (Sorry Cynthia) My mom automatically thought everyone was smart, logical, etc. so by just explaining to us that it wasn't real, only really silly...it'd be okay. My 10 year old ass slept in the hallway outside my parents room for a good two weeks. JAWS was a little bit easier to look at logically since I didn't sleep in the ocean (thanks mom) but, we traveled a lot so...no scary movies for my kiddos. They won't be smart enough. Case in point: me.


Lu said...
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D.J. McNugent said...

Cara that's silly.
How are our children going to know how to survive when they accidentally stumble into an isolated countryside hamlet populated by an insular religious sect engaged in a tense alliance with mythical beasts unless we expose them to the scariest movie of our generation, nay of all time, The Village?