I thought this weekend as I was making puppy chow that if someone was in my kitchen to witness my behavior, it would be like...cut scene to my best friend looking straight into the camera saying..."I mean, she'd just dribble the chocolate and peanut butter all over her face...eat it right out of the bowl. (dramatic pause) It was disgusting." For those of you who don't know what puppy chow is it is a crispix-chocolate-peanut butter 'dessert.' I used to make in high school all the time for slumber parties, etc. Apparently, people only know what it is in the midwest. I thought it clever to take the puppy chow to our friends dog, Coco's birthday party. I digress. The point of this post is that I made myself sick. Seriously sick. I was spooning peanut butter and chocolate into my mouth like the world was about to end. I had to come clean. I still smell of peanut butter. I can't even blame wine because it was midday during my feeding frenzy. And, usually, wine is to blame.
Puppy chow is the BEST!! It is worth making a mess out of yourself and getting sick!! I am jealous that you can make it and give it away. Whenever I make it, it never makes it out of the kitchen!
how to make it please??? pictures? i have no idea what this is... and it is for dogs?
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