
This Is Not Good

Heidi Montag is a mess. Seriously. I watched last night and it hurt a little. What in the world...I know The Hills is full o fakery for a reality show, but, that plastic surgery she has IS REAL. And it hurts to look at her. And her mom is so nice. Heidi, get a grip. Please.


Katherine Fajen said...

No, seriously. It was super disturbing watching her try to cry. I felt so sad for her mom. :(

Also, thanks for the recommendation on the VS yoga pants...I bought a pair last night. xo

Anonymous said...

I felt bad for her mom also. Why did I let my daughter go to Hollywood and come back such a mess. the thing is about the hills is they NEVER say anything about being on the hills. like it isnt the biggest part of the lives they live. her skin and make up look so bad. when is it ok to only wear liquid eyeliner and nothing else? Is this they new trend? maybe i need to go to a "real" sephora and not one in jc pennys.

oh and i bought fat free peanut butter. gonna try to make some dog chow. whatever. at least i wont have to use the oven!