

This is life-changing news. Are you ready for it? If a life pleasure of yours is sipping a refreshing beverage from a straw then read no further because you may have to give it up. Apparently, drinking from a straw causes the same around the mouth wrinkles that cigarettes cause! Say what?! Who knew?! Maybe everyone on the planet but me, (and one other girlfriend I know of) so, needless to say, I was strawk-ed! Goodbye straws, parting is really harder than you know. Will Diet Coke's taste the same strawless? Doubt it. What if I wear sunscreen? Then my soda will just taste like coconuts and I'll still have a mouth full of wrinkles. This is annyoing.

1 comment:

Katherine Fajen said...

WHHHATTT?????? Straws in ANY bev is a Fajen family staple. I'm depressed.