
Holiday Recipes

So, I've managed to get myself super sick. Now, I"m stressed about being, uh, sick. Great. Anyway, my friend LC (not of HILLS fame, she's too good for reality TV)  told me to slow down, so, I'm really trying. I did get all the in-law presents shipped out yesterday and finally bought a little something for the hubby. And worked an hour or so...or three. Okay, I will stop trying to justify my blog absence. (My top ten list of 2010 jerks will posted shortly, men and women included) This post is about food. My girlfriend is currently writing a cookbook and I've volunteered to test 5 recipes. Exciting. So, what are your favorite recipes? What is your holiday staple? Not in my recipe testing portfolio but my go-to is a mushroom risotto. It's easy and SO TASTY. People are scared of risotto, but, it's delish and good things come to those who wait. Here is how you make it:
**Note: most risottos have cream, butter, and cheese...but mine has NONE OF THAT. You don't need it. The flavor is just as good without the extra calories.
Arborio Rice
Dry White Wine (optional)
Asparagus (optional)
2 Cartons LOW SODIUM Chicken Broth
Sea Salt & Pepper

Before you start, empty carton of chicken broth in saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Splash oil in a pan, chop up a shallot, add carton of mushrooms ( or however many mushrooms you'd like.) Bring to a simmer, saute thoroughly. Put in separate bowl.

More oil in pan. 2 cups of Arborio Rice, stir in oil...coat til golden. Add 1/2 cup of wine. Let cook off...

Then, slowly add chicken broth by ladle. Stir continuously. This will take at least 35 minutes. When you have about two ladles left of broth, add back in your mushrooms and shallots. Salt and pepper to taste. Make sure the rice is tender. Add the rest of the broth, cook through, salt or pepper again as needed. Chopped CHIVES looks nice on top as a garnish. 

Enjoy. It's SO GOOD. 

1 comment:

The Baumanns said...

I love that you posted this recipe! I love it and am so making it over the holidays. Hope you're feeling better soon!