
Ready To Roll On Posts Again...

Big day today. Not Guilty verdict(s) in the Casey Anthony trial. Huh. 
I actually thought that it would be a hung jury, but, to have everyone conclude that she was not guilty is a skosh crazy to me. 
Here are my thoughts: The defense teams statement(s) after the trial were ridiculous. 'Shaming' other lawyers/the talking heads for their behavior? WOW, really? It seemed to me the whole trial consisted of the defense throwing anything out for discussion (true? untrue? disgusting lies?) hoping that it would get Casey Anthony off because you would feel sorry for her...
oh, and no one can prove how Caylee died, right?  
Are they still looking for the murderer then? What about Caylee? What about Casey who has gotten away with being an over-indulged child/teenager/adult has just gotten away with one of the worst acts a human can do? Even if it was accidental, there is no reason for a babies body to be found in the woods. 
I hope there is justice for Caylee, but, I'm afraid it may be too late. Sad. 
Also, my girlfriend just texted me saying the crawl on HLN is:
 "Defense team parties in bar across street for tot mom.." 
Maybe there was a hot body contest? Sick.

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