
Did You Hear?

Real Housewives of NYC is getting a facelift. And vibradermabrasion...and some botox. They are letting go a few of the housewives to make things more interesting next season. Rumored to be let go are Alex 'The Body' McCord, Jill 'Did I do that?' Zarin, Kelly Killorean Bensimon, and Cindy 'Barely There' Barshop. Interesting. I think there could be more to explore with Cindy since we hardly saw her last season and when we did she was getting bullied. I'm surprised they are keeping Ramona but I suppose the Sonya-Ramona duo is more interesting to BRAVO execs than the others. I'm sad to see Jill go...and what will the show be without Alex's ridiculous telenovela expressions? Huh. Who knows? I do think they need some fresh blood though. And by 'fresh' I mean recently nipped, tucked, and plucked. I don't think you can keep the same people year after year...
their egos get involved and they start to think they are real celebrities. 
Which, I guess now, there is a whole new breed of celebrity, which, sadly, they do fit. 

1 comment:

Zsana said...

What are those shoes Alex is wearing in the picture? That is some funky ass heel.