
Did You Watch?

Dancing With The Stars premiered its 13th season last night. A few surprises. The first being I actually watched the whole show. JR and Chynna (why is her name spelled like that...shouldn't it be pronounced Chin-ah?) scored the highest and were obviously the best last night. Here's the thing though, I think it's much harder for the man if the pro is a women because they have to lead. I have nothing to base this on, just saying. Rob Kardashian, although cheesy with his one-liner answers to Brooke Burke, has some dancing potential. More than Kim. Ricki Lake was very emotional, which, makes for good dancing. I think she'll be around for awhile. However, if Derek Hough was my partner I would tell him to stop touching me so much. He was groping Ricki all over the place. David Arquette was decent and I think he will improve too. You just want to root for him. Chaz Bono looked great, he was having a good time. The others were decent...Nancy Grace bleh. Hope Solo is gorgeous.  Kristin C. has a great body.  Ron Artest looked like Sisqo and he was going to bust out in the "Thong Song" at any moment. Also hilarious? His beer belly. The worst for me? Elisabetta. Ha. What in the world? Uhhhh....Elisabetta, so you can't dance, uh let's just give you a super skimpy outfit and put you in a bed? okay? that might get some votes. Ridiculous. I think she's the first to go.

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