
Did You Watch?

Did you watch Part 1 of the reunion? I've watched half of it...and I must say, what in the world?
Jacqueline didn't show up because they are currently filming season 4 and her and Teresa got into a huge fight the night before. Oy. Ladies. Mainly, Teresa. It's so ridiculous how she is SO self-centered that she can't see anything past her sparkle tan. Listen, it's obvious what happened. Season 1 lots of viewers liked Teresa. It's the housewife phenomenon. The most-liked housewife from the first season of any city thinks that then she can come back and do whatever the heck she wants. Be mean...I meant, 'funny,' whatever. Because everyone loves her. And, then by the end of the second season you start to think "why did I like her?" By the third season you are definitely not liking the one you originally loved and the supporting players are starting to seem like the normal ones. Such is the way in New Jersey. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think kathy and her husband are the only normal ones on that show anymore.
Teresa is beyond gone... why is anyone buying her book?