
Lets Talk Housewives...

Have you ever been to a 'game night?' They are fun, right? Few glasses of wine in me and I will win CatchPhrase and solve the budget crisis. One time, after losing I left my now-husband with my friends (we had just started dating) as I sulked in my room. I'm super mature. My point is that while that was inappropriate I would still rather go to that game night than the one at Dana's. What was that?!! What room were they sitting in? It seemed like they were waiting to go into a funeral..It was a good thing I wasn't there because I would've been telling the most embarrassing childhood stories...stories about my husband...family...no one would've been spared to pass the awful silence. And, then Kim arrives. I have nothing to say about her except that it was nice Kyle was 'helping' her to the bathroom so often. I bet Lisa and Adrienne were watching the episode praising sweet little baby Jesus that they weren't there. 
The fight with Brandi was glorious. I think for these shows to be successful you have to bring in a new person that doesn't have any taste of the fame train and just says whatever the hell they want. 
So, mazel to Brandi. For stirring things up a skosh. Like it. And wearing way too short shorts.
Yelling at Brandi. Not playing charades.
What are the Richard sisters?!

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