
The Cover Of TIme

Have you seen the cover of TIME?
Actress Jamie Lynne Gramet is breast feeding her
3 year old son.
Look, I have never breast fed anything, so, at first look it seems odd.
But, I don't know. 
To each their own I guess.
It will definitely get attention. And already has
celebs on Twitter saying anything and everything
about the topic.

1 comment:

Galloway Mom said...

My husband and I have three children and I nursed each of them. I was fortunate not to have to work when they were little. Our first child was difficult to nurse because I had no idea what I was doing. I was not comfortable. Our second child nursed until she was 21 months and I was due to deliver her sister. Our third child nursed until she was 19 months old. I had surgery and was advised to not nurse her afterwards.

I believe in privacy and being tactful. Trust me I have spent several hours of my life in the ladies room at Maple Corner sitting on the bench with a baby at my breast. I believe some women think it is empowering to do it in public simply because they can. I believe some things are to remain intimate. I feel the same way about public displays of affection. I prefer not to see it, but that is my opinion. If I don’t like it, I can move elsewhere.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and very natural thing. I am in awe that God created women (female mammals) to produce milk to nurse our infants. I made my children grow, me, by myself. That is all my children needed to grow. They survived and grew by consuming milk that I produced. It is nourishment and it is free. I am fortunate that I was able to produce an abundant amount of breast milk. I swear if I had not nursed my youngest, I would never have held her because I was so busy chasing the older two! It is a beautiful thing when you are holding you baby and they are nursing. The eye contact they make with you. The warmth of your body heat together. There little hands patting you or holding on to your pinky finger. After being the womb for nine months, they hear the same sounds, such as your voice and your heartbeat, which calms them down when they are uneasy and helps them feel secure.

I understand that breastfeeding is not for everyone and some women cannot produce enough milk to nourish a baby. Some women have a choice and others do not. I am lucky that I had a choice.

Time did an excellent job with the cover. It is most definitely controversial! It is a little shocking because the nearly four year old boy appears older because of his size. And kudos to Jamie, she looks amazing. (Nursing burns an insane amount of calories.) And in her defense and to my knowledge, none of my children’s classmate’s mom come to school to nurse them.

It should be a family choice. If someone wants to be argumentative about something, there are far better topics to choose from.