

I do like dressing up for Halloween. I've never been a slutty pirate, or a slutty cop...or anything prefaced with slutty really. Mainly because the coldness factor of October 31st does not allow for fishnets (unless properly covered) or just a bra with dangly chains. Last year I was Rainbow Brite, last minute option, but I was a warm Rainbow Brite with red spandex on under her skirt. One year my girlfriend and I were alpacas...NOT SHEEP. It was completely obvious to me. Warm, fuzzy, spittin Alpacas. Good times. I usually don't figure out my costume until the morning of the parties. Our gay friend Steven, well, yeah he's our friend...(we bought our couch from him at Z Gallerie, so, we are basically family, right?) was telling us on Sunday that he's going as a mailbox, opening to the back...(keep going...) and his boyfriend is going to be the UPS man so he can deliver his package ALL NIGHT LONG. Ba! I mean, it's brilliant. What are you going to be?


The Baumanns said...

Last year our whole family was garden gnomes with white beards and tall red pointy hats (kind of like that Travelocity guy). My kids had a big toadstool around their waist with fake gnome legs that crossed on top so it looked like they were sitting on the toadstool. This year I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do and it's really stressing me out....

The Shoptometrist said...

My rule of thumb for Halloween is that you can be as scandalous as you want to AS LONG AS it's funny/clever. I won't reveal what I'm up to for this year just yet, but I will keep you posted!

The Baumanns said...

Oh! And Cara you totally should be Teen Wolf this year.