
Desperate Housewives Recap

Lynette and Tom back together, all is well with the world.
If they had broken up, I would've hated the finale.
I needed them to be together. And I cried. Even with the cheesy
ice-bag drop and sweeping camera angles. 
Then, Bree was found not guilty. 
Mrs. McClusky took the fall.
So, all worked out well with the whole murder thing. 
Moving on to the second hour, 
I'm glad Julie's water burst on Vanessa Williams' dress.
I much enjoy her cleavage baring strapless number instead 
of that covered up satin nightmare she was wearing. 
Oh, and holy Scott Bakula!!! 
I remember watching him on Quantum Leap back in the day.
Sexy right? Yes please. Scott Bakula. Awesome.
Speaking of sexy...Julie's hot doctor delivered her baby.
Wait back to Bakula. 
Just kidding.
The song on the record player? Tears of all sorts.
Side note: Allegedly Teri Hatcher is a real B.
As in never talks to the other women on set.
Ever. Doesn't know anyone. 
The other woman, (this is real-life) could be a little diva-ish
but at least enjoyed each other for the most part.
Now, Gabrielle's Closet and The Home Shopping Network gig?
Brilliant. Love that.
Oh, and Bree in Louisville?! Perfect. Local legislator? Perf perf.
At the end, as Teri drove off the lane, all 
the DH ghosts lined the street...
wow! I forgot all those people bit it..
Jennifer, the woman who moved into Susan's old house
ominously hides 'secrets' as the show ends.

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