
Real Jersey

It seems to me the only problem between these two is the men in their lives.
Mainly, Joe Guidice. I hope that Teresa is watching this and realizes what 
a POS he is. Listen, I understand they have 4 kids but this guy is a problem.
I wanted to post this pic because Melissa's dress is horrible.
What in the world? She has a great figure...burn this dress please.
Okay, anyway, this feud between the Gorga's and Guidices 
is as awesome as Teresa's hairline.
It just seems silly.
The episode on Sunday made me angry.
When Gia gets mad and Teresa coddles her and tells 
her she was justified in throwing a fit
and calling all the other adults cheaters...it made my skin crawl!
You don't let a 10 year old dictate how you discipline.
Look, I don't have any kids but I know the way I was raised was to 
respect adults. I was a seen and not heard child. 
Which was really hard for me since I was out of control...jazz hands!
But, looking back, I needed a strict upbringing because if I didn't 
have it I'd be the most obnoxious person on the planet, I'm sure of it.
So, Teresa, it's okay to tell Gia that the adults didn't cheat 
and she needs to respect her elders and listen to them.
Because she's 10.
That's all.