
Split Rumors

Rumor is (for the 100th time) that Bethenny and Jason are getting divorced.
The same when Bethenny and Jill broke up, I was sad.
I don't want these two to break up.
People have very strong opinions about Bethenny..
It's extra sad because they have a daughter, a new fantastic
apartment in NYC...and Jason was in the process of
quitting his job (he may have already) to work 
for Skinny Girl full time.
It's being said that B has been spotted all over 
Matt Hesse (if you watch the show, he's the super hot dude) 
that works for Skinny Girl. Sigh. Hope this isn't true but
there have been too many rumors for nothing to be going on.
STAR (I know, I know) printed that they both met with divorce attorneys.

Here they are on Monday nights episode reminiscing..
they move into their new apartment at the end of the season.
Which may be next week?

The Enquirer is saying that John T and Kelly P 
are getting divorced.
This one I don't believe. Trust me, Kelly and John
are well aware of each others commitment and lifestyle choices.
Kelly probably buy John massages for his birthday.
And besides, how sexy is he as a blonde?

This one I threw in for the drama of it all.
When I see 16 year old celebrities written about
in gossip magazines on their breakups it makes me laugh.
As my mother told me..
Selena, don't worry about it...you're going to have lots of boyfriends.
He is probably just mad that she is indeed prettier than him.

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